Floor Care > Cleaning Concentrate
Floor Care /Cleaning Concentrate
Cleans and enhances the natural beauty of your floors and leaves a fresh citrus aroma with no sticky or oily residue. Safe to use around kids and pets. Dilution recommendations: 1-1/4oz Mac Davis Flooring concentrate for every 20oz water.
Save on spray mop/ concentrate $55.00
Save on spray mop/ concentrate/ spray bottle $65.00
Always read our instructions before using the product.
62 Old South Road | Nantucket, MA 02554
Phone: 508-228-1027 | Fax: 508-825-5992
832 Main Street | Osterville, MA 02655
Phone: 774-521-3601 | Fax: 774-521-3922
106 William Street | Newport, RI 02840
Phone: 401-619-8061 | Fax: 774-521-3922
“Quality is hard to find, but easily noticed.”
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